Integrating environmental and social issues into the company’s strategy
Companies are under increasing pressure from all stakeholders with whom they interact directly and indirectly. At the regulatory level, this takes the form of legal requirements for transparency on their social and environmental practices for the companies concerned.
Standards are also being developed to provide a framework for voluntary CSR initiatives to help organizations structure their approach (ISO standards, AFNOR, etc.). CSR strategy aims to take into account the impact of companies’ activities throughout their value chain. For a CSR approach to be effective, it must involve all the company’s stakeholders (suppliers, customers, employees, public authorities, investors, etc.).
Succeed your CSR strategy
- Framing, diagnostic and identification of the sector’s challenges through a benchmark and/or the elaboration of a materiality matrix
- Development of a CSR roadmap in co-construction with employees, the definition of the action plan, governance and management tools
- Promoting the CSR approach to internal and external stakeholders (CSR report, communication plan, etc.)