Understanding the key concepts of biodiversity challenges

Objective: grasp the biodiversity key characteristics and context, to start taking action to move towards a nature positive world.

Duration: 2 hours 30

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Understand the main voluntary frameworks relating to Nature

Discover the TNFD and SBT for Nature Frameworks

Objective: achieve a solid understanding of the frameworks relating to nature, to successfully follow their requirements or recommendations internally or with a third party

Duration: 2 hours 30

*Prerequisites: Understand the fundamentals of biodiversity

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Understand nature-related regulations

Be familiar with international, European and French regulations relating to biodiversity

Objective: acquire a solid understanding of nature-related regulations, in order to follow their requirements and recommendations.

Duration: 2 hours

*Prerequisites: Understand the fundamentals of biodiversity

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Measure biodiversity impacts and dependencies qualitatively

Comprehensive understanding of the various impacts and dependencies of biodiversity, as well as the risks and opportunities associated with nature

Objective: acquire a solid understanding of scientific projections on the evolution of biodiversity and the useful tools and frameworks for quantitative analysis.

Duration: 2 hours 30

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Understand biodiversity footprint assessments and associated indicators

Interpret the results of biodiversity footprint assessments to make informed decisions and recommendations for your organisation’s sustainability objectives

Objective: acquire a solid understanding of key biodiversity indicators and measures.

Duration: 3 hours

*Prerequisites: Measure biodiversity impacts and dependencies qualitatively

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The Biodiversity Game

Understand biodiversity key issues in a recreational manner

Objective: Interactive face-to-face training to explore the key concepts related to biodiversity, as well as the current pressures on biodiversity and their consequences for the world. At the end of the course, participants will have a better understanding of the importance of biodiversity and the urgency of its conservation.

Duration: 2 hours

>> Only available within organisations <<


Nature conservation: current approaches, stakeholders and key challenges

Understand nature conservation and its history, the interplay of actors and how the landscape has changed over the last 20 years.

Duration: 1 hour 30

>> Only available within organisations <<


Looking to organise one of these tailor-made training courses within your company or organisation?